har ju lovat barnen berkinge, www.berkinge.se, imorgon och ska jag vara alldeles ärlig s? gör det ingenting om det regnar. känner att jag har alldeles för mycket att göra hemma. ska packa lite ordrar och sen skall jag ocks? plocka ihop ...
The list of mass murder attacks that involved at least some planning - rather than simply bberking/b out and killing everyone in the way - goes on and on - the Clock Tower shooting in Austin. b....../b I take pictures mostly of my family, pets and garden with the occasional bvacation/b shots. Proudest moment? When I took some negatives in to have photos blown up for my office cubicle, and the lady handing me the finished prints (18 x 20) said, "These are gorgeous -- are you a ...
The list of mass murder attacks that involved at least some planning - rather than simply bberking/b out and killing everyone in the way - goes on and on - the Clock Tower shooting in Austin. b....../b I take pictures mostly of my family, pets and garden with the occasional bvacation/b shots. Proudest moment? When I took some negatives in to have photos blown up for my office cubicle, and the lady handing me the finished prints (18 x 20) said, "These are gorgeous -- are you a ...